Posts Tagged ‘Indonesia’

Jakarta, February 2016

April 5, 2016

I taught a four day workshop in late February at Jakartadoyoga, Indonesia.


I’ve never seen so many students in a class get into Malasana II (Garland Pose) so quickly and so well. These students didn’t need any instructions – they just did it! But for the rest of us: keeping your feet together, bend your knees and lower your hips, coming into a squat. If your heels lift, support them on a folded blanket. Find your balance there for a few moments. Separate your thighs so they are slightly wider than your torso. Move your self forward until your armpits extend beyond the knees — your torso should fit in snugly. Join your hands in a salutation as you press your elbows against your inner knees and your shins into your armpits. Clasp your ankles. Fold forward taking your head to floor, close to your toes. To help keep the internal rotation of your thighs, thereby bringing them closer to the side ribs, press down through the inner heels. This pose brings relief for women who suffer from low back pain during menstruation.




Jakarta’s mascot is their version (in this context at least) of Micky Mouse and other cartoon characters on Times Square.

© 2016 Bobby Clennell.

Jakarta, Indonesia

March 23, 2014

Do Yoga Festival at Jakartadoyoga

There were five of us yoga instructors at the Do Yoga Festival; myself, Marcia Monroe (author of Yoga and Scoliosis) from New York, Henryk Lieskiewicz from Poland, Melodie Batchelor from New Zealand, and HS Arun from Bangalore, India.


Marcia Monroe working with a student with scoliosis.


Marcia and I took photos of each other on the terrace. Marcia demonstrates supported Virabhadrasana III (Warrior Pose III).


Marcia in Supported Anantasana to extend the side of the spine that is compressed.

Jakarta 3

I am enjoying the mental peace that comes about from Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) with head supported. I had belted my arms to align my forearms with my upperams and side trunk.


Arun is a master of making the poses accessable for students. Here is shown a student in one of his classes practicing Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana (Half-Hero in Seated Forward Bend Pose) with a block and wall.


Also from one of Arun’s classes, Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana (One-Legged Inverted Staff Pose) with strap, chair and block.

Out and about in Jakarta


These street artists will paint anything you ask of them for a small fee.


Many of these illustrations featured Barack Obama. The people of Jakarta are very proud that he went to grade school here.

© 2014 Bobby Clennell.